
Myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove uterine fibroids. These are common non-cancerous growths that appear in the wall of the uterus (womb), usually during childbearing years, but they can occur at any age. The main reasons to have fibroids removed are infertility and recurrent miscarriage, anaemia, heavy periods, large fibroids causing pain, pressure on the bladder or the back passage.


The surgeon’s goal during myomectomy is to take out the fibroids and reconstruct the uterus. Unlike hysterectomy, which removes your entire uterus, myomectomy removes only the fibroids and leaves your uterus in place. 


The procedure is done under a general anaesthetic and a “caesarean section like” cut will be made into your tummy. The main risks are heavy bleeding requiring blood transfusion, tying arterial blood supply to the womb (uterine artery ligation) or if your life is in danger, a hysterectomy (removal of your womb, risk of 1:1000). Clot formation in your leg, wound or urinary infection can also occur, although rarely. You are expected to recover over the 4-5 days of stay in the hospital and normally will be discharged when fully active. You are expected to return to work after 6 weeks. An initial certificate for work will be provided on discharge, your GP will continue the cover for the rest of your recovery.


In preparation for surgery, I see all patients for a visit prior to offering them a date. I will be discussing all details of the surgery with you and ample opportunity to ask questions will be given. I will also ask you to sign a consent form to reflect the discussion and to permit me to perform the surgery.  Please see the consents on this site.