Refer A Patient

Your Fertility Consultant Subspecialist of Choice


Thank you for considering referring a patient to my Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Private practice. The referral process is as simple as possible.  Please fill in the details and attach any blood results.  If you prefer to communicate via the HealthLink channel, please either:


1. email my secretary Lisa Keane at ,  

2. use the Private Clinic email: or

3. send the letter to Prof. Edgar Mocanu, Private Clinic, Rotunda Hospital.


I have been practicing in Infertility, Reproductive Surgery and IVF since 2000. I offer consultations in the Private Clinic, Rotunda Hospital and operate in the Rotunda, Bon Secours and Mater Private Hospitals in Dublin.


Prior to referral, I recommend that all patients have a basic fertility profile done.


For the female, Prolactin and TFT levels, day 21 progesterone (only if regular periods), Rubella screen, smear test, folate, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D levels. An AMH level, if available.  If you do not have facilities for the female profile I can organise these tests in the Rotunda, in advance of the visit. Please mention this in the referral so my secretary can contact the patient and offer her a blood test appointment.


I recommend all male partners have a semen test in advance of their consultation with me.  Please ask them to book it (appointments are on Saturdays) here.


Looking forward to seeing your patients.

GP Referral Form
Semen analysis(please ask your patient to book online here)
Day 3 hormonesFSHLHE2TFT’sPRL
Rubella immunity
Smear test
Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, HbA1C
HSG (if done)